The National Brainwashing

From BuzzFlash: Stepford Citizen Syndrome: Top 10 Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed

“Latest polls indicate that nearly half of all Americans believe the First Amendment ‘goes too far,’ proving that Stepford Citizen Syndrome is now a national crisis. We have an obligation to rouse our loved ones out of their stupor. If we don’t, the thugs who’ve stolen America will steam-roll right over us. And if you can’t see that, chances are, you’re brainwashed.”

To summarize the 10 phrases which the author says are signs of brainwashing:
1) “George Bush is a decent man.”
2) “I have faith in our system of checks and balances.”
3) “We have to defend ourselves, and the war on terrorism is the only way to do that.”
4) “Since September 11, George Bush has shown strong leaderships skills.”
5) “Europeans don’t agree with us because they’re effete appeasers.”
6) “George Bush’s administration is filled with solid, foreign policy pros.”
7) “George Bush is doing an excellent job in the war on terror.”
8) “People who say the Bush administration ‘let 9/11 happen’ are conspiracy nuts.”
9) “The media is liberal.”
10) “Saddam has weapons of mass destruction!”

To see why the author believes these are signs of brainwashing go to the
commentary itself.

Even if you don’t agree with all of their points, this well-thought-out article should at least make you THINK about a few of the things going on nowadays.