fan-tod n. 1. fantods 1. A state of nervous irritability. 2. Nervous movements caused by tension. 2. An outburst of emotion; a fit.
Here I'm allowed everything all of the time
fan-tod n. 1. fantods 1. A state of nervous irritability. 2. Nervous movements caused by tension. 2. An outburst of emotion; a fit.
Eh why not…. Just found out about this idea for posting about a favorite poem on your blog today as the last day of National Poetry Month.
You are a GRAMMAR GOD! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. Here’s a fun little quiz – doesn’t take too long. Test your grammar skills! It’s too bad it doesn’t tell you exactly how many you got right or wrong (or what the correct answers …
Thanks to what is now commonly known as blog "comment spam", I had shut my blog comments off last November for several months until I could take the time to figure out how I wanted to "deal" with it… at least until MovableType 3 comes out. After recently doing some searching, and since my amount …
According to POPFile my personal e-mail spam rate is now up at 90.9% – yay! This article claims that spam is expected to reach 80% saturation by Q3 of 2004 – guess I’m still ahead of the curve then! Speaking of spam, the “comments” feature on this site has been off for a while due …