Justly Married
Sorry, but I just look at their happy, smiling faces, and I was wondering what was so “bad” about this again…? Congratulations pioneers, and I hope you receive your flowers soon.
Here I'm allowed everything all of the time
Sorry, but I just look at their happy, smiling faces, and I was wondering what was so “bad” about this again…? Congratulations pioneers, and I hope you receive your flowers soon.
tautologous Pronunciation: to-‘tä-l&-g&s Function: adjective 1 : involving or containing rhetorical tautology : REDUNDANT 2 : true by virtue of its logical form alone – tau·tol·o·gous·ly adverb Repeating the same thing in different words; tautological. Etymology: Greek tautologos, from taut- + legein to say